2013년 12월 12일 목요일

Pompeii Steamed Eggs

Pompeii Steamed Eggs

Everyone is wondering what is "Pompeii steamd eggs?". I got to know pompeii steamed egg from a popluar webtoon, "역전! 야매요리". First I also thought it was very werid name. It is because it looks like the eruption of volcano.
Check out this webtoon!


eggs, anchovies, kelp, salt, carrots, spring onion, salt, cooking wine


Break 6 eggs and add a little bit of salt and cooking wine.

Pour a little water from bottom and put anchovies and kelp in ttukbaegi (earthen pot)
Boil it and scoop anchovies and kelp.

Pour the egg wash and boil it over medium heat.

Stir the egg wash using whisk not to burn it

When it gets cooked stop stir and shift medium heat to low heat.
Put cut carrots and spring onion on it.

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