2013년 12월 12일 목요일

Seoga&Cook Pork Steak Salad

Seaga&Cook Pork Steak Salad

Pork steak salad is the most popular menu of Seoga&Cook restaurant.
It is very delicious pork steak with salad. When I fist ate it, I can't stop thiking of it.
So I found a pork steak recipe to make at home.

Preparing Pork

Beat both back and front of pork with the back of a knife to make it soft.
Make cuts in the surface of pork and do in the back of it in the opposite direction.
Mix ginger, rice wine and pepper and smear pork with the mixture.
This removes smell of pork.

Grilling Pork

Grill the surface of pork in a preheated pan over high heat and then grill it over low-medium heat.

Making Steak Sauce

Boil the mixture of  water, red wine, steak sauce, a bay leaf, soy sauce, minced garlic and oligosaccharide.

Making Salad Dressing

Mix sugar, salt, minced onion, minced garlic and vine gar and add olive oil at the end.
Place vegetables, onions and fruits on a dish.

Boiling down Pork with Steak Sauce

Put grilled pork in steak sauce and boil down until thick.


Place pork and a half boiled egg on the pork and pour the dressing on the salad.

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